There’s more to why we like music than just a catchy beat or an easy karaoke tune. In this article by the University of Florida, we learn how our brain reacts to music and the importance of music education in our lives.
Via: University of Florida
This is all well and good, but the target audience for this ad should be school administrators and school boards, not innocent music-loving college students. I fear that too many schools try to lure well-meaning young people into a career path that ultimately will only work for them if they are extremely lucky; and part of that luck is being in the right place at the right time, or the right state at the right time. Does the University of Florida offer positive placement for graduates of its master’s program in the public schools of the state? Are there community colleges that offer music appreciation courses to teach? Are the prospective graduate students aware of just how little money they would earn teaching such courses?
The crisis in music in education begins with the lack of importance that the people who need to balance their budgets put on developing and maintaining a fully-functional music curriculum. When band and chorus are miserable experiences for kids who otherwise could find it enjoyable if they had decent teachers, that is a failure in the system. When there isn’t any instrumental alternative to band (because band means, for so many schools, “marching band,” and serves the sports program), a lot of kids miss out on the experiences (intellectual and social as well as musical) that playing in a string ensemble can offer.
I’m writing U from Bolivia. I’m a bolivian Phd ethnomusicologist. I’ve loved this article, most of all for its synthetic way to develop a complex issue. I`m working in musical education within indigenous communities in my country. And I’d like to use it in this contexts, as sort a conceptual-map, translating it to spanish. In that sense, I want to ask if you could send it to me, via internet, with a better quality resolution, so I wold be able to use it as a graphical base but in my own language. My compromise is to respect the sourse with appropiate citations.
best regards