Application Requirements
- A full score for each of two (2) original compositions. Each score should be scanned and submitted as a PDF. You may be asked to submit full size scores in addition to the PDF’s.
- All scores should include instrumentation on the title page and timing of the work.
- One (1) work for solo or small ensemble (up to eight voices or instruments). Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit work in this category that does not exceed ten (10) minutes in length.
- One (1) work for large ensemble, either vocal or instrumental (nine or more voices or instruments).
- A digital video, audio recording or MIDI file for each work is required.
Media Submission Requirements
- Save and name your files as “[Title of the Work]” with each piece being a separate video file.
- Save and upload each printed score (PDF format) and video/audio recording separately indicating the title of the composition in the space provided.
- Do not put your name or any identifying information in or on your media submission.
- You may submit pre-recorded live performances, such as recitals or concerts.
Intellectual Property and Copyright Requirements
- All submitted work must be wholly original and may not infringe upon the copyright or other intellectual property or other legal or moral rights of any other person or entity.
- Applicants are responsible for obtaining and securing any and all rights, licenses, consent and permissions, if applicable, from third parties in relation to any copyrighted material that is not your own (e.g., lyrics, a composition, choreography or other dramatic works). Uploading any copyrighted or otherwise protected materials without permission may infringe the right holder’s copyright for which you may be held liable and for which may prevent you from being considered for participation in YoungArts programs and/or inclusion in the Student List Service. For more information on copyright, visit
- If your work has been submitted to other competitions, you are responsible for getting permission to submit to YoungArts.
Reviewers and Panelists are looking for:
- Musical Ideas – the quality of the musical material on which the composition is based.
- Musical Structure – the extent to which an underlying structure exists and is apparent.
- Control of Medium – understanding of and idiomatic use of voices and instruments.
About YoungArts
YoungArts identifies and nurtures emerging artists ages 15-18 (or in grades 10-12) in the visual, literary, design and performing arts. Winners are provided once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, significant access to scholarships and national recognition. YoungArts ensures the nation’s most outstanding young artists are encouraged – at critical junctures in their lives – to pursue careers in the arts.
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